The Whamdingle – From the Notes of Sir Hector Brazilbean, The Second-Teenth

Meet Sir Hector Brazilbean the Second-teenth, an explorer of sorts with an insatiable thirst for adventure and an imagination to rival that of a child’s. These are his notes, part imagination and part exploration documentation, but mostly imagination.

The Whamdingle, is a children’s adventure story about a mythical creature, described by an overly imaginative explorer, and while he may not have all his thoughts together, you can be sure he adores the creatures he seeks!

I originally wrote this story on my shower wall, I was nervous about it and spent many hours finding and creating color palettes and textures for the illustrations. I also used the book as an opportunity to try my hand at creating typefaces.


“The Whamdingle” is available for purchase from my blurb online store HERE

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